How to Choose the Right Water Heater in Boise
Plumbing Solutions of Idaho expert tips
Are you looking for a Boise hot water heater to maximize your home’s hot water needs? We can help. Water heaters play a vital role in any household, but they only last between ten to fifteen years. The team at Plumbing Solutions of Idaho knows that you want to ensure you’re making the best investment for your budget.
Here are a few things to consider about purchasing a new hot water heater and how to choose. Or call our Boise plumbers today! We’re here to handle all of your Boise hot water heater installation, repairs, and maintenance to give you peace of mind and all the hot water you need.
Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters or “on demand” water heaters, operate on natural gas or propane. Instead of storing up hot water for future use, they heat water when you turn on the faucet. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to this type of system.
A major perk is that they take up very little space and use up to 50 percent less energy than units with tanks. The continuous supply of hot water could be helpful for filling up a hot tub or spa bathtub. Standard tankless systems do a great job if the demand is moderate.
When you have higher demand than normal you may need to upgrade to a larger unit designed for family usage. Another problem is they require skilled installation and maintenance calls due to their warranties. Even if a homeowner is proficient in maintenance, tankless hot water heaters are not a DIY project.
Another downside is the fluidity of the tankless water heater market. These companies come and go quickly, and the product is often oversold. Their marketing is geared towards those who want to “keep up with the Joneses”, “be more green”, or “update your appliances to something modern.” When the companies dry up, their customers have a tough time finding more parts or technical support.
Traditional Water Heaters (Tanked)
Tank water heaters are simple and reliable with a lower initial cost and are easier and cheaper to replace and install. Everything about your upfront costs with tank hot water heaters is lower than a tankless option tank heater also allow you to multitask across washing dishes, showering, doing laundry, or taking a bath all at once. Depending on the size of the tank, you can possibly perform three tasks using hot water at a time. Meanwhile, a tankless heater option cannot keep up with that demand.
Another pro of the tank water heater is the ability to regulate the water temperature. It is set and maintained by the unit, and can even be set low for safety sake (young infants) or if your tank is small, it can be set higher to accommodate for usage. Unfortunately, tankless water heat can and does have water temperature fluctuations. This can prove dangerous with small children in the house or when bathing an infant.
Things to Consider When Choosing a New Water Heater
1) Storage Capacity
Before you invest in a hot water heater in Boise, determine your storage capacity. Tank water heaters and tankless units require different amounts of space in your home. A tank system holds continuously heated water and requires a storage capacity on the number of bathrooms and bedrooms in your home. One to 2 bedroom homes usually require a hot water heater that can hold 30 gallons of water. Tankless units that heat water on demand requires calculating gallons per minute of hot water. Assessing the various appliances used throughout your house can also help determine the frequency at which you use them at the same time.
2) Energy Efficiency
Optimize your cost savings by considering the hot water heater’s model’s energy efficiency ratings. The federal government requires an EnergyGuide label to be placed on the outside of most appliances. This informative yellow label shows the real cost of operating an appliance, and can help you make a wise, energy efficient choice for your home.
3) Fuel Source
The type of fuel source you use will make an impact on everything from efficiency to budget. Hot water tanks can use electric, natural gas, propane, oil, solar or geothermal power as an energy source to heat the water. Talk to the team at Plumbing Solutions of Idaho to ensure your tank is compatible with your available fuel source.
4) Size of Home
If you choose a traditional model of water heater, you will want to consider the First Hour Rating, or FHR. This number tells you how much hot water can be provided per hour. For example, a general guideline for a 4-person household is 65 to 75 gallons.
5) Energy Efficiency
Paying more for an efficient hot water heater model will save you money in the long run. Look for the Energy Factor (EF), the number that describes how efficiently a water heater operates. The EF is a number between zero and one; the closer the number is to one, the more efficient the model.
6) Budget
Finally, your budget is a big factor in choosing the best water heater for your home. Our Boise plumbers can talk through your options, available models, and shed insights on your potential energy bills. We also offer financing options to help you get your new Boise hot water heater up and running in your home.
Call the Team at Plumbing Solutions of Idaho Today
Are you ready to take the next steps with your hot water heater? We can help! The team at Plumbing Solutions of Idaho offer hot water heater replacement, installation, repair, and maintenance. Call our Boise water heater service experts today to schedule your appointment to restore the hot water you deserve.
Learn More About Water Heaters in Boise, Meridian & Beyond
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