A Flooded Basement

Plumbing Solutions of Idaho expert tips

We rely on good plumbing a lot more than we know. In fact, when it comes right down to it, a lot of daily life is spent asking one thing or another of the plumbing in our homes. Doing the dishes, running the sink, turning on the shower, draining the tub, flushing the toilet–if it involves pipes and water, it involves plumbing. But we don’t think about that when we’re washing our hands or turning on the dishwasher. Lucky for us, the plumbing in our houses usually functions without much attention from us–that is, until there’s a problem.

​Small plumbing problems can be costly; big plumbing problems, like a flooded basement, can be nothing short of catastrophic. That’s why it’s so important to know what to do in the event of a plumbing disaster.

​Basements and Plumbing

Too often, the target of a big plumbing problem is the basement. We’ve all heard about those dreaded and infamous basement floods. This can be a pretty big deal–not only because of the cost of repairing the issue, but because of the damages caused by the flood. Take a moment to picture all of the things you have in your basement. How long would it take for steadily-rising water to ruin everything? The truth about basement floods is that they can get out of hand extremely fast. Floods cause water damage, ruin objects and furniture, wreak havoc on any electrical wires or devices, and, in some cases, cause severe injury to your wallet. There are, however, some simple steps to take that will help minimize loss and danger.

What to Do

What do you do in the event of a basement flood? Here’s a quick look!

  • Step 1. The first thing you need to do is shut off the water. This will stop further damage from taking place, create a safer environment, and make for easier identification of the cause of the problem and the damage.
  • Step 2. Don’t enter the water. This is extremely important. Not only is there a threat of electric shock–the water may contain bacteria that is hazardous to health, especially if this is a sewage backup. Examine the area from a distance, looking for gas leaks, electrical issues, and structural damage.
  • Step 3. Call a plumber. Plumbers who offer a full range of services and 24\7 emergency service can help you fix your current problem, minimize damage, and help you avoid future issues like this one.
  • Step 4. Give your insurance company a call. This is important, too. The longer you wait, the more trouble you’re likely to have, so make this a priority. Don’t forget to take plenty of pictures!

Looking for more information on plumbing disasters? Searching for Boise Water Heater service? Contact us today!

By Tim Smith

Published: December 15, 2015

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